To all of our wonderful customers & Social Media followers.
We are classed as an essential business under the government classification so can remain open, however after taking into consideration the seriousness of this terrible pandemic we made the decision for the safety of our customers and staff to shut the doors and self-isolate like everyone else to do our bit to stop the spread and imminent fatalities that will likely occur if this thing continues to grow.
We apologise to anyone put out by this but our customers and staff safety is the priority rite now, and the bigger picture “”Staying Home For New Zealand”
Please go to our website and check out all our Products and Services we offer, Including those Quality “Mileage Guaranteed American Made Cooper Tires”, and plan your bookings for when we complete this isolation period. Or follow us on Facebook for updates and new product releases and features
Again keep yourselves and your families safe, and together we will get out the other side. Looking forward to when this is all over and we can open the doors again.
Kind regards
Bay Tyres